Federal Decree

President issues Federal Decree amending Emirates Identity Authority Establishment Federal Law

President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan has issued Federal Decree No. 3 of 2017 to amend Federal Law-Decree No 2 of 2004 on the establishment of the Emirates Identity Authority.

Article 1 of the law stipulates that the term, "The Federal Authority for Identity and Nationality,"  shall replace the term "The Emirates Identity Authority," in the title of the decree of Federal Law No.2 (2004), as well as in any other article of this law or any other law.

According to Article No. 2, Article 6, Paragraph 3 of Article 8 and Article 11 of the decree of Federal Law No.2 (2004) shall be be substituted by the following text: The Authority shall be administered by a board composed of seven members, including the Board Chairman with Ministerial Capacity, and a Vice-President, and the members shall be appointed under a federal decree and shall represent all Entities concerned with the Authority’s competencies.

The Board shall have a renewable membership term of three-years, and whenever a member’s seat has become vacant, another member shall be appointed for the rest of the membership period, and the Vice-President shall replace the Chairman in his absence. The Chairman of the Board shall issue the Statutes and Internal Regulation of the Board after approval by other board members.