The UAE Government Media Office

The UAE Government Media Office

The Government Communication Office was established in 2008 following a Cabinet resolution, operating under the Cabinet with a mandate to manage a range of key responsibilities. These include proposing and developing the strategic communication plan for the federal government, supporting ministries and federal entities in preparing and reviewing communication strategies, and establishing unified systems and standards for the federal government&rsquos identity, ensuring their consistent implementation.

The Office was also responsible for crafting media messages for federal government entities, setting unified standards for internal communication within ministries and federal entities, and facilitating the exchange of information and expertise among them. Additionally, the Office develops and coordinates programs aimed at building capacity and enhancing skills in government communication.

In 2018, the Cabinet issued a resolution renaming the "Government Communication Office" to the "UAE Government Communication Office," positioning it under the General Secretariat of the Cabinet within the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs and the Future. The Office was assigned a crucial role in enhancing communication channels between federal entities and building an integrated internal and external communication system aligned with global standards.

In 2020, the UAE Government Media Office was established, incorporating the Office of Public Diplomacy, the Government Communication Office, and the Nation Brand Office. This new entity was tasked with overseeing the country&rsquos media strategy and leading government media efforts to enhance their positive contribution to national development. The UAE Government Media Office plays a pivotal role in developing the federal government&rsquos media strategy, in collaboration with government communication offices in ministries and federal entities, and ensuring its effective implementation. The Office also manages the visual identity of the federal government, develops projects to support the UAE&rsquos marketing identity, and provides media support for federal policies, strategies, and projects.

In addition, the Office prepares strategic media messages, develops communication frameworks for ministries and federal entities, and builds capacity in media communication. It manages the federal government&rsquos social media channels, oversees the development of communication channels, and implements initiatives to bolster the UAEs reputation and foster positive international relations.

The Office is also responsible for promoting Emirati values, culture, and identity, monitoring the media performance of ministries and federal entities, and submitting reports to improve their media outreach. It organizes media briefings, supports official spokespersons, and enhances their media presence with target audiences. Furthermore, the Office conducts studies and projects within its remit, represents the federal government in the media at official events and conferences, and develops plans and messages on key government issues for both domestic and international audiences.
Lastly, the Office handles any additional responsibilities assigned by the Cabinet or the Minister of Cabinet Affairs.