The Ministerial Development Council is an auxiliary body that supports the Cabinet’s work, and performs various functions including:

  • Following up on the implementation of the government general policy by the federal entities and issuing the related binding instructions within the framework of its jurisdiction.
  • Studying strategies and policies proposed by ministries and federal entities, and submitting the necessary recommendations to the Cabinet.
  • Following up on the implementation of laws, decrees and regulations, and issuing instructions on matters referred to the council by the UAE President, or the Prime Minister.
  • Following up on the development plans and programs of the UAE government to achieve future objectives, and submitting the necessary recommendations to the Cabinet.
  • Studying reports presented by ministries, public entities and organizations regarding the participation in conferences, meetings and official visits.
  • Establishing the necessary contacts with the relevant authorities across the emirates for consultation within the council’s functions and jurisdictions. 
  • Exploring adequate solutions to further improve the services provided to the UAE nationals, especially those related to health, education, housing, roads, transport, electricity, water and communication sectors, as well as taking necessary actions and following up on their implementation.
  • Requesting any data or clarification from the government entities. The Council may entrust one or more of its members to study any subject related to its functions and submit a report with the outcome of the study.
  • Performing the Cabinet’s functions in relation to the appointment of federal staff, re-employment, promotion, transfer, selection, secondment and termination of service.
  • Reviewing the requests for preparing legislation and taking the decisions thereof.
  • Approving projects of organizational structures of the ministries and federal entities.
  • Reviewing the UAE Accountability Authority’s reports and issuing the necessary directives.
  • Reviewing requests on introducing fees, funds management, federal returns and other financial costs; studying them and submitting the appropriate recommendations to the Cabinet.
  • Performing any other functions as authorized by the Cabinet.